Abbi Sue

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I am a farm girl from a small town called Preston. I served a mission in the great state of Texas. San Antonio still has my heart! I am the oldest of 3 kids! My parents are my heroes. My Grandma taught me from a young age that I am of great worth. Before I would leave her house she would say, Boo (that is my nick name) who are you? My reply, Grandma I am Boo Shaffer a daughter of God! I believe with all my heart that happiness is a choice we get to make every morning! I love my life!!

Friday, February 3, 2017


I find this topic captivating of my attention. I know it is something that is very touchy and close to many of our heart strings. I love God and I respect his law. In today's post I am not going to try to convince individuals that my opinion is right and theres is wrong. My desire is that we of all different beliefs can come together. I got thinking about it and asked myself the question, why do any of us care either way if someone is gay or lesbian. I believe it is because we care for the individual. We want them to receive of all of God's blessings or we want them to be happy with who they are. I recognize there are hundreds of ideas and opinions, but I have confidence that as we come to be familiar with the research that has been done on these topics we will come to peace. I am no expert on the matter! In my family relations class we have been discussing it. I love getting different ideas and being surrounded by so many open minded students. One thing we talked about specifically in class was when a child is growing up if she is female and is a bit boyish we call her a "tom boy," on the other hand if a boy is a bit girlish we automatically start calling him a sissy or gay. There is definitely a different vibe to each stereotype. I don't imagine that any of you would be surprised to know that there are many more men who are homosexual than women. I am going to share a link to a video we watched in preparation to coming to class. It helped me expand my vision. I grew up with an understanding that often times people are gay or lesbian, because of their genetic make up. I came to find out that we do not have research to back that up. What we do know that some men are more sensitive, they speak with their hands and are more dramatic. There are girls who wear baggy cloths and like to hang out with the boys playing sports. What many of us possibly don't now is that a large percent of people who are homosexual have been sexually harassed, many rejected by men, ( the video I shared the link to talks a lot about the perception of that specific person.) Pornography viewing was another one that they found common in many. These are a few of the many and not every person who is homosexual will have all of them, but they are things that have been found over and over again in the research that has been conducted. I hope this sparked a new thought or gave you a glance of expanding your view on the matter. I encourage all of you to go and study and become more learned.

I really wanted to share a little bit of what I learned with all of you. I testify that Jesus is the Christ. He loves each child with a love we cannot comprehend. I love studying the family and the different relations with in, because I feel like I come to know and understand my fellow brothers and sisters who many be "different" than me a little better.  Families are eternal!    

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