Abbi Sue

My photo
I am a farm girl from a small town called Preston. I served a mission in the great state of Texas. San Antonio still has my heart! I am the oldest of 3 kids! My parents are my heroes. My Grandma taught me from a young age that I am of great worth. Before I would leave her house she would say, Boo (that is my nick name) who are you? My reply, Grandma I am Boo Shaffer a daughter of God! I believe with all my heart that happiness is a choice we get to make every morning! I love my life!!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Fathers... are they really needed?

In today's world we see more and more advertisements and cartoons of fathers who are lazy, they sit and watch TV and do nothing all day while the mother of the family is superwoman does everything to keep the family functioning. Is what we see on TV true? Absolutely not! The problem is, I do believe there are fathers out there who feel as though it is, that their purpose is diminishing, and not at a slow rate. 


 This quote is so true! Fathers are an asset to each of us. I could go on an on of how my father has blessed me in my life. I did rodeo and my dad would come and wait with me before I would enter the arena to compete, and he was there to get the gate when I was done. More often than not my dad had tears in his eyes as I came out, I knew he was proud of me, but just to make sure he would always say, “good job Ab!” To this day I know the look of when I have done something stupid and the look of when he sees that I have done well, it is all in his eyes!

One of my professors told us a neat story of when he was going to school, working full time had recently gotten married to a woman who had two kids in a previous marriage and they had their first child together. He would get up early and get home late. He knew it was important to be with his kids. Though tired, he would get up with his crying baby and rock her and change her diapers. He recognized that his role as a father was more important than a student, or an employee. I am grateful for this example in my life. Parenthood is full of major sacrifices! He did say to us that when he did that his wife would alway thank him and give him a complement. The quote below fits right in with this!   

I want to send a shout out to men all over the world! We need you! Your wives need you! Your children of whatever age they may be, need a father in their lives. The impact you can have on a family as a unit and on each individual in that unit is remarkable. 

 (This is my dad trying to teach me how to fly fish! Key word "trying")

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