Abbi Sue

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I am a farm girl from a small town called Preston. I served a mission in the great state of Texas. San Antonio still has my heart! I am the oldest of 3 kids! My parents are my heroes. My Grandma taught me from a young age that I am of great worth. Before I would leave her house she would say, Boo (that is my nick name) who are you? My reply, Grandma I am Boo Shaffer a daughter of God! I believe with all my heart that happiness is a choice we get to make every morning! I love my life!!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Hello Y'all!

My desire is that the readers of this blog will be able to see me as a friend, that we may be able share our ideas of family life together. A little bit about me. My name is Abbigayle Sue Shaffer. I am blessed to be named after my two heroes, my Grandma Sue and my Grandma Gayle. They are more than grandmas to me, they truly live up to the title of a best friend. I served a mission in the great state of Texas. They say that everything is bigger there... that was until I arrived! I am a small 4'9" package of dynamite! I grew up on a small ranch close to the border of Idaho and Utah. The "farm" life brought on a lot of work around our place and my parents were smart in bringing us together to tackle many of the different tasks. 

Marriage and Family life was not always my choice of study. It was not until I read a story of Presidents Eyring's younger life that I had a clear vision of what I was passionate about. This is an excerpt from the story that has forever changed my life. (Hal is President Eyring.)

 Hal often asked for his father’s assistance on math problems. When they were discussing a problem one day, his father paused and said that the problem was similar to one they had covered the week before and asked, “haven’t you been working on it?”

When Hal said he hadn't, his father responded saying, "you don't understand. When you walk down the street, when you're in the shower, when you don't have to be thinking about anything else, isn't this what you think about?"

Family is what I love. It is where my mind wonders to when I am "in the shower." I look forward to fighting for my true passion! 

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